The ministry concept involves well placed prayer boxes, prayer requesters, committed intercessors, prayer requests and God's mighty hand.

Prayer Boxes.  Philippians 4:6-7 is shown on the top. Mark 11:22-24, "PRAYER BOX" and "INTERCESSORS ANONYMOUS" are shown on the front. Prayer Boxes can be placed at drop-in centres, hospitals, senior citizens homes, prisons, parks, transit hubs, schools, malls, hotels, casinos, etc.

Prayer Requester.   All who see the prayer box should be encouraged by the engraved Scripture. The box is "passive" to the requester, offering a window to God with no apparent dissuasive barriers, ie. no strings attached. Putting a prayer request in the box is an act of faith - to build on!

Intercessors.   Prayer warriors are an essential aspect of the ministry. God always works on both ends. Intercessors will also be uplifted, interceding with the concerns and hopes of others. Intercessory groups may sponsor a prayer box.

Prayer Requests.   "Prayer is not so much another weapon on our list of weaponry as it is the actual battle itself". The boxes will be cleared regularly by the box sponsor. Copies of the prayer requests will be circulated to associated intercessors.

God's Hand.   His hand is needed in all aspects of the ministry. Without His blessing little will be accomplished. God's guidance is needed on the placement and introduction of these boxes. Anonymity assures all works will be Christ's.

Follow-up.   This is a ministry of God's works. There will be no follow-up by Intercessors Anonymous. We strongly recommend, when the time is right, that the requester join Christ's Church and becomes a member of a Christian denomination adhering to the Holy Scripture.